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Yemen Crisis: 24 million people are in need of humanitarian aid


With the ongoing conflict in Yemen – already one of the poorest countries in the region – tens of thousands of lives have been lost and over 20 million people don’t know where their next meal will come from. A country crippled by conflict is sadly now on the brink of famine.


With families facing ongoing armed conflict, displacement, disease and economic decline, an estimated 24 million people (80% of the country’s population) are now in need of humanitarian aid to survive – a figure so high that it is in fact the highest across the globe.


The collapse of public institutions that provide healthcare, water, sanitation and education has exacerbated an already dire situation. Prior to the recent conflict, Yemen was already the poorest in the Arab region suffering from weak human development outcomes compounded with high population growth, repeated local conflicts, chronic food insecurity and uncertain political transition.

Yemen now officially hosts the world’s largest human-induced food security crisis.



  • 24.1 million people – 80 per cent of the population, in need of humanitarian aid and protection
  • largest humanitarian crisis in the world
  • 19.7 million people need basic healthcare
  • Almost 18 million people are in need of water and sanitation facilities
  • Over 3 million people have been left displaced by conflict

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Yemen Crisis: 24 million people ...

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